Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership
1. Background
The Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership initiative manifests the values and passions embodied by Pierre OUEDRAOGO. As a fervent promoter of digital development, he spent his life working to catalyze the potential of information and communication technologies to support development in the French-speaking world, and particularly in Africa. The award is a tribute to his remarkable contribution and the extension of his legacy across the continent.
The winners of the Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership will be selected from people who meet the following criteria:
- Individuals committed to strengthening African integration through digital technology: Pierre OUEDRAOGO created a rich and diverse human network that he nurtured with love, determination, and wisdom;
- Visionaries in the field of digital transformation: Pierre OUEDRAOGO was a visionary in innovation, anticipating the opportunities that could arise for Africa. This initiative honors his vision by highlighting those who, like him, initiate large-scale digital projects;
- Promoters of Innovation: As Pierre OUEDRAOGO worked to promote innovation and creativity in the digital field, this initiative aims to recognize, encourage, and reward outstanding innovators who follow his example;
- People committed to progress: The initiative also reflects Pierre OUEDRAOGO's commitment to progress and sustainable development in Africa. By highlighting the positive contributions of digital technology, this award honors his desire to see technology foster economic and social development on the continent;
- People who inspire Future Generations: Pierre OUEDRAOGO was keen to inspire the younger generations to fully engage with digital technology, making it a pillar and a force for the public good. This Award gives concrete expression to this aspiration by offering an inspiring model for young innovators and encouraging their involvement in the appropriation of digital technology in Africa.
The Award may also go to high-impact projects and initiatives in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Digital Citizenship. Pierre OUEDRAOGO spent many years devoting himself to building for the future. Through his technical and institutional support for initiatives, communities, and individuals, he promoted sustainable development, digital inclusion, wealth creation, and entrepreneurship through ICT.
2. Who was Pierre OUEDRAOGO?
Pierre OUÉDRAOGO was the Director of Digital Francophonie at Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) based in Paris, France. Over many years, he set up networks of IT experts to coordinate African efforts to develop information and communication technologies and use them as a means of development.
Pierre OUEDRAOGO launched numerous IT workshops in Africa and was a founding member of many African regional organizations, including AfriNIC (regional IP address registry serving Africa), AfTLD (African Internet Top Level Domain Names Association), AFNOG (African Network Operators Group), AfCERT (African CERT network) and AfrICANN (African network of participants in ICANN process).
"Pierre OUEDRAOGO was a well-respected technical leader in Africa, who played an important role in bringing the Internet to Burkina Faso as well as other French-speaking countries in Africa," said Lynn St. Amour, President and CEO of the Internet Society. "His commitment to expanding the Internet and encouraging young engineers to develop their skills through training workshops has had a tremendous impact on the Internet's expansion across Africa."
Pierre OUÉDRAOGO was also one of the pioneers of the Free Software movement in Africa. He was a founding member and President of the Free Software Users African Association (AAUL), which organized several editions of the Rencontres Africaines des Logiciels Libres [African Free Software Meetings] (RALL).
In Africa, he was the second and first French-speaking African personality to win the Jonathan B. Postel Award in 2012. The JonPostel Award (Jonathan B. Postel Service Award) is a distinction awarded in honor of Jon Postel, one of the fathers of the Internet. It has been awarded annually since 1999 by the Internet Society to recognize individuals for outstanding contributions to the telecommunications community. It was created by Vint Cerf, then President of the Internet Society, and announced in "I Remember IANA" (RFC 2468).
Pierre OUEDRAOGO was Secretary General of the Comités de Défense de la Révolution (1983-1987) and President of the Comité International Mémorial Thomas SANKARA until his death on July 13, 2023.
3. Why the award?
3.1. General objective
The Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership is driven by the urge to create a platform for recognizing and celebrating those in Africa's digital industry, like Pierre OUEDRAOGO, who demonstrate commitment, innovation, and determination and, through their work, are helping to strengthen the integration of people to propel the continent towards a digital future that positively impacts economic and social development. By honoring these individuals and their achievements, this initiative will reinforce the momentum of digital development in Africa, while remembering Pierre OUEDRAOGO, an Internet pioneer in Africa.
3.2. Specific objectives
Specifically, the Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership will:
- identify and reward personalities or initiatives working to strengthen the integration of people through digital technology;
- identify and reward excellence in Africa in areas linked to digital development, such as digital sovereignty, cybersecurity, telecommunications development and regulation, Internet governance, artificial intelligence, etc.;
- mobilize institutional players and partners to pool their efforts to encourage the integration of people through digital technology.
4. Expected results
The Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award will contribute to:
- integration of people through digital technology.
- excellence in Africa in areas such as cybersecurity, telecommunications regulation, Internet governance, and digital sovereignty;
- mobilizing institutional players and partners to pool their approaches and efforts to strengthen the integration of people through digital technology.
5. Award
The Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership is awarded every two years to a personality or initiative that has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of digital technology and digital ownership in Africa. The winner will receive a prize of five (5) million CFA, an engraved crystal globe, and a certificate during a solemn ceremony attended by personalities and organizations from the digital world.
6. Eligibility
Nominations for the Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership are not self-made. They are submitted by organizations, institutions, associations, countries, and personalities in information and communication technologies, using a letter addressed to the secretariat for this purpose. Nominations may include creations, works, contributions, and other specific elements that illustrate how the proposed candidate or initiative has demonstrated his/her commitment to promoting the digital age in Africa and may include two references supporting the nomination. All applications must be completed and sent by December 31 at 23:59 UTC of the even-numbered year.
7. Communication channels
The ICT and Citizenship initiative (ITICC), which initiated the project, will use all the communication channels such as audiovisual, paper, social networks, web pages, mailing lists and all other means to popularize and promote this Award. It will rely more heavily on the global digital ecosystem.
8. Selection criteria
The award is intended to recognize consistent and ongoing contributions to digital promotion and support through networking development via assistance and digital community development through proven leadership. Particular emphasis will be placed on:
- commitment to strengthening the integration of African peoples through digital technology;
- vision of digital transformation;
- promotion of Innovation;
- commitment to Progress;
- inspiration to be a role model for Future Generations;
- impact in the life of the immediate community and beyond, for initiatives.
9. Steering committee
A steering committee made up of personalities whose human and professional qualities are unanimously recognized in the digital world has been set up. Its mission is to:
- Provide strategic advice on the vision, mission and objectives of the award;
- Help promote the award, attract quality nominations and establish strategic partnerships with other organizations;
- Help increase the visibility of the prize to promote the initiative;
- Support the setting up of the jury.
The steering committee is composed of seven (7) personalities. Its members have a non-renewable term of five (5) years. They choose a president and a vice-president among their members. The President of the ITICC participates in the Council as rapporteur.
10. Jury
On July 13 of any odd-numbered year, the Pierre Ouedraogo Award for Digital Leadership is awarded by an international jury composed of personalities chosen by the Steering Committee. The jury remains competent for two editions, renewable once. It is composed of five (05) people, including at least two (02) women. It chooses its chairperson among its members. No member of the jury may be a candidate for the Award during his or her term in office.
Nominations are accepted from July 13 to December 31 of the even-numbered year. A Communication from the ITICC shall be sent to a directory of addresses to propose candidates. All the personalities and institutions contacted propose a list of several names or projects. They are strongly advised to give reasons for their choices.
Nominations received are forwarded to the jury in January of the odd-numbered year. Rules and regulations govern the practical organization of the Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for Digital Leadership.
11. Award ceremony
The winner will be celebrated at a solemn award ceremony on July 13 of the odd year in Ouagadougou. July 13 is the anniversary of Pierre OUEDRAOGO's death.
12. Associated activities
The solemn ceremony will be preceded by a half-day conference hosted by the winner and members of the international jury and other eminent guests. There will also be a training session on digital inclusion for women and vulnerable people the day before. At each edition, to the measure possible, in addition to the Pierre OUEDRAOGO Award for digital leadership, a scholarship or project grant will be awarded to a young person (preferably a young woman) by the Jury.